Monday, December 04, 2006

early bird

im home :)

what could be better than this? now i see the real beauty of city living. all i have to do now is sit back, relax, and watch time pass by.. cheese*

trixie . trix . ixie . pink . la salle . 16 17 . foOd . 4 . M . french fries . mCdonald's . burger . couch potato . technogeek . chips . princess . h.s. senior college froshie . ever-loyal . black . oldie . long hair . unica hija . green . gurl . innocent . *dot* . jollibee . white . young talented filipina . pink . blah blah blah . corny . sOnger . smile . baby girl . oreo baby . freak . july 8 . slim pig . moon . cow-lover ...