Sunday, August 13, 2006


So here i am again, sitting in front of my computer, typing away. I haven't been in this place since forever, so just allow me to be simply me.
Finals are fast approaching, and seriously, I AM panicking. I still have lots to study, alongside all the other final requirements I need to accomplish. WHheew! girl, welcome to college! I have already adjusted fully to the system. I have already been immune to staying up late, since it is a major requirement if one wants to pass the term. Oh well...

Just now, something crappy happened. I have been cut off from my one companion. tsk tsk.. I hope things will just go back to normal. I'm already missing him -- tear*
Last week, I had a talk with two friends. Both taught me valuable lessons in life. The first one taught me how to be strong, while the second taught me how to accept defeat and stand up again after a graceful fall. You guys know who you are. Thank you very much. This week has been a very fruitful one for me. You do not know how much you have touched my life :)
somebody's turning 17 on friday :) mwah*

trixie . trix . ixie . pink . la salle . 16 17 . foOd . 4 . M . french fries . mCdonald's . burger . couch potato . technogeek . chips . princess . h.s. senior college froshie . ever-loyal . black . oldie . long hair . unica hija . green . gurl . innocent . *dot* . jollibee . white . young talented filipina . pink . blah blah blah . corny . sOnger . smile . baby girl . oreo baby . freak . july 8 . slim pig . moon . cow-lover ...